


■NO.16 昭和53年12月発行

       待鳥 精治,岡崎 登志夫,伊藤 外夫,小笠原 淳六  北西太平洋の沖合水域で確認されたサクラマス (Oncorhynchus masou)  3.46MB

       P. P. Pillai and Shojo Ueyanagi  Distribution and Biology of the striped marlin,Tetrapturus audax(Philippi)

       taken by the longline fishery in the Indian Ocean  10.3MB
       P. P. Pillai and Misao Honma   Seasonal and areal distribution of the pelagic sharks taken by the

       tuna longline in the Indian Ocean  6.39MB

       森田 二郎,山中 一  ニューブリテン島のランバート岬付近のリーフ内における表面水温 (Intake-pipe temperature) の日変化について  2.58MB
       大迫 正尚,加藤 守  北太平洋北西部及びベーリング海におけるベニザケ,Oncorhynchus nerka (WALBAUM),の未成熟魚の分布について  7.17MB
       Yasuo Nishikawa and Izumi Nakamura  Postlarvae and juveniles of the gempylid fish, Neoepinnula orientalis (GILCHRIST and VON BONDE), from the North Arabian Sea    7.56MB
       Kazumoto Yoshida, Norihisa Baba, Machiko Oya and Kazuhiro Mizue  Seasonal changes in the ovary of the northern fur seal 11.5MB
       Muneo Okiyama and Shoji Ueyanagi  Interrelatiomships of scombroid fishes: an aspect from laeval

       morphology  5.21MB
       竹下 貢二,藤田 矗,川崎 正和  カニ類における甲殻のモアレトポグラフィ  6.62MB
       Toshio Okazaki Genetic differences of two chum salmon(Oncorhynchus keta) populations to the Tokachi River  3.54MB

■NO.17 昭和54年12月発行

         木谷 浩三,川崎 正和  東部ベーリング海陸棚縁辺域の海洋構造-Ⅰ

                                                      1978年夏季の海水特性および流動について  4.57MB
         畑中 寛  アフリカ北西岸水域におけるマダコの漁業生物学的研究  39.3MB
         Yasuo Nishikawa  Early development of the double-lined mackerel,Grammatorcynus bicarinatus (QUOY and GAIMARD), from the western tropical Pacific        7.1MB
         Toshio Okazaki  Genetic differences and possible origins of maturing and immature chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in autumn collections near the southern Kuril Islands  6.93MB
         久田 幸一  中東部熱帯太平洋ではえなわによって漁獲されたメバチの成熟状態と水温構造  8.77MB
         Norihisa Baba, Kazumoto Yoshida and Tadayoshi Ichihara  An application of radio wave telemetry to yhe study of fur seals' (Callorhinus ursinus) behavior on the breeding islands  10.35MB
         牧田 仁,吉田 主基,馬場 徳寿  繁殖島上におけるオットセイ生態研究用電波テレメトリーシステム  14.64MB
         Hitoshi Fujita and Koji Takeshita  Tagging technique for tanner crab ling-term tag  2.04MB

■NO.18 昭和56年11月発行
         Tadashi Inada  Studies on the Merlucciid Fishes  79.2MB

■NO.19 昭和
         Yasuo Nishikawa  Early development of the fishes of the family Gempylidae

                                               Ⅰ. Larvae and juveniles of escolar, Lepidocybium flavobrunneum (SMITH)  5.87MB
         Ziro Suzuki and Shoji Kikawa   On estimating fishing intensity of tuna longline, taking an ezample from North Atlantic stock of white marlin, Tetrapturus albidus  3.89MB                 
         Toshio Okazaki  Genetic Study on Population Structure in Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta)

■NO.20 昭和
         Kazumoto Yoshida  Study for reproductive mechanism of fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) of Asian origin

       Kazumoto Yoshida and Norihisa Baba  A Study of Behavior and Ecology of Female Fur Seals on a Breeding Island by Radio Wave Telemetry and Visual Observation  11.83MB